Weekly Meal Subscriptions
A cleaner way to eat
How does it work?
We do a 4-week rotating menu that we send out via email every Thursday. Client choices are made by Saturday, cooked Monday, and delivered on Tuesdays.
The menu changes gradually every 3 months to slowly come into the seasons.Tuesday Drop offs | Holland area between 10a-12pm / Grand Rapids area between 12pm - 3pm
We put the meals in steel containers dishwasher safe containers. Heat up your food safely ( LID OFF ) in microwave or oven and easily store in your fridge.
Each week when we deliver on Tuesdays we will pick up the containers from the previous week and rotate, wash and reuse for minimal waste as possible.
We understand busy life, and cooking for yourself and or your family can become difficult sometimes. Especially trying to maintain healthy & hearty meals. Experience having a Personal chef without us coming to your house except to drop off your meals. These meals are perfect for bringing to work, on your hikes, or to have dinner ready meals for you and your family. Heat in the oven or in the microwave (lid off). place in fridge or transfer meals to your own containers for storage or cookware for cooking.

No One time orders accepted.
Must Commit to a minimum 3 month service.
The 3 month commitment is voided if you’re in town for vacation and in need of meals for your stay. Same rules apply for delivery.
** Prices includes our time, shopping for fresh, local and organic foods for each meal, our time cooking & crafting your delicious meal and the delivery fee
At this Time - no pick ups available
Order Minimum is 4 Meals
Where We Source
West Michigan Farm Link | Horrocks Market | Whole Foods Market | Plot 365 - microgreens | Superior Foods | Holland Farmers Market | Eighth Day Farm | Nantucket Bakery| Field & Fire bakery